Toutes à l'école

Happy Chandara School

Helping Public Schools

Because it is important to maintain the social fabric and keep pupils connected to their home environment, Happy Chandara also supports public schools in the surrounding area.

Public schools operate on a part-time basis with classes that are often overcrowded, making learning conditions challenging for students. Additionally, these schools frequently lack teaching materials.

In response to specific needs, Toutes à l’école provides material assistance such as school supplies, bicycle helmets, installation of toilets, and renovation of libraries. Classrooms are also made available to these schools.

Furthermore, because our students learn the value of giving back, some of them visit neighboring schools to read to younger children.

Helping boys

It is essential to ensure equal opportunities for siblings in terms of learning and academic success. While our aim is to admit the younger sisters of our current pupils, we must also consider their brothers.

Therefore, for several years, classes have been held for 190 boys from the village on Wednesdays and Saturdays at the Happy Chandara campus. The program includes Khmer and mathematics courses to strengthen their skills, as well as instruction in computer science to enhance their knowledge.

See also in "Happy Chandara School":

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