Toutes à l'école

Who are we?

Our organization

Tina Kieffer


« When I was editorial director of Marie Claire, I was confronted with the terrible condition of women in many countries of the world: every week, a photojournalist presented me with a subject on domestic violence, honor killings... I knew that ignorance and obscurantism were to blame. But how to change mentalities, if not through education? Hence my desire to turn to the education of girls, the best way in my eyes to make the world of tomorrow more just and more human.»

Valérie Arnold


After an event in Luxembourg where we wanted to donate the profits to an association that supports girls' education and a first visit to Happy Chandara in 2011, we all wanted to do more, hence the creation of the Luxembourg branch. On a personal note, I am delighted to be able to play a role on the Paris board. It is a wonderful adventure that gives you the feeling of doing something good, something useful. And finally realizing that it's also like an inner journey that has made me understand many things about life.

Christiane Saunier

Christiane Saunier


«Having stopped my professional activity, I was more available to invest myself in a cause oriented towards children. Toutes à l'école immediately appealed to me: the future of a country depends on education, and in particular on the education of women who are the ones who pass on the knowledge. This school breathes cheerfulness and joy of living: it is a true message of hope!»

Isabelle Langrenay



« Now retired, I have worked as an Administrative and Financial Director in large groups, especially internationally. Father of two children living in Asia, I have been a volunteer at Toutes à l'école for three years now in the accounting, financial and IT fields.

Paul Henri Bartoli


«It is above all an encounter with the Toutes à l'Ecole team that motivates my involvement in the association. Their energy and efficiency fascinated me. Then, there are hundreds of young girls, joyful and amazed, with radiant faces and moved to tears when they graduate from high school, who convince you to get involved so that through education their situation can change. Finally, the growing need to perpetuate the financial resources of the association allows me to find my place within the organization by bringing my knowledge of the financial world.

Priscilla Beaulieu


«It is a story of friendship first between two children, Thea and Hermine, then between two women. I had the chance to travel to Phnom Penh and visit Happy Chandara. I was immediately touched in the heart by these little girls, so smiling, and this tremendous desire to learn. I am proud to support Toutes à l'école which will give a better future to these young girls, and to this beautiful country so cruelly affected..»

Marie-Hélène Bensadoun


«As a lawyer in social law, I have always been aware of the importance of education and the empowerment of women in order to influence their lives and society. Seeing these little girls grow and blossom strengthens my commitment to Toutes à l'école.»

Frédéric Charpentier


Étant un enfant adopté, je connais l’importance de l’éducation et de la seconde chance dans un destin. Ma rencontre avec Tina et l’association Toutes à l’école, ont été une évidence. J’ai envie de rendre ce que j’ai eu la chance de recevoir et qui m’a conduit où je suis aujourd’hui. Le travail de l’association Toutes à l’école est exigeant et très ambitieux. J’espère pouvoir contribuer, même de façon infime, aux sourires des jeunes filles de Toutes à l’école.

Sabrina Herlory


« Everything started for me after I met Tina. Thanks to her, I realized that one could destroy vicious circles in concrete terms and change destinies. Tina also contributed to my awakening to the implacable necessity of being educated to build one's autonomy, especially when one is a very disadvantaged girl. I believe that her vision is immense in its accuracy, strength and fraternity and that her school is revolutionary. This project carries me and that is why, modestly, at my level, I have decided to commit myself to it. »

Marie-Claude Mayer

Marie-Claude Mayer


« For me, education is one of the most powerful levers to fight poverty and inequality. inequalities. From my first meeting with Tina and her teams, I immediately wanted to join Toutes à l'École, which has a real vision and the will to build innovative and sustainable projects in a perfect transparency. When I saw the smiles of the young girls at Happy Chandara who are discovering that they too will have a future, I was deeply moved and impressed by the spectacular progress made. I am happy that my experience in the field of communication can contribute to the success of this association.»


Vincent Soulier


«Toutes à l'école is the extraordinary possibility offered to little girls from the most underprivileged backgrounds in Cambodia, to envisage a future that lives up to their expectations. My feminist and educational values find here a stimulating field of commitment.»

See also in "Who are we?":

Our team in France     Our local team     Transparency