Toutes à l'école

Our mission

Levons le doigt pour l'éducation des + fragiles

Because education is a key issue for the millennium, "Levons le doigt pour l'éducation" has been defending this cause for the fourth consecutive year since September 5, 2022..

The idea?

Bring together major retailers who are adept at rounding up their sales at the cash register and donate their collections to All in School educational programs. The 2021-2022 edition of the event has enabled, among other things, the financing of the construction of a second boarding school and a nursery school on the Happy Chandara campus of Toutes à l'école, which provides schooling for 1,700 very disadvantaged girls in Cambodia. Significant assistance was also provided to 15 young Afghan women who took refuge in France when the Taliban returned, with the establishment of a French language program at the Alliance française. In addition, support was given to the NGO Afrane, which works in Afghanistan to train and pay teachers.

For the 2022-2023 edition, the operation will again have a national scope thanks to the many journalists, animators and media mobilized. The collection will start at the beginning of the school year and will continue throughout the school year, with a highlight around March 8.

See also in "Our mission":

Why Cambodia?     Why girls' education?